Collections Catalog

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Released February 06!

Fulton County Cemetery Records

Fulton County
Collection Category
Collection Type
Image Browse

Transcribed gravestone inscriptions from cemeteries located in Fulton County, New York. Researchers can browse digital images of these records, but they cannot currently be searched. The collection page contains a complete list of all cemeteries available, including waypoint links to view images from each cemetery.

Released February 06!

Fulton County Religious Records

Fulton County
Collection Category
Religious Records
Collection Type
Image Browse
Royden Woodward Vosburgh

Transcribed genealogy records from churches in Fulton County, New York. Researchers can browse digital images from this collection, but the records cannot currently be searched. The collection page contains a complete list of all congregations available, including waypoint links to images from each church.

Released May 24!

Gazetteer and Business Directory of Lewis county, N.Y., 1872–73

Lewis County
Collection Category
County Histories
Collection Type

This volume contains an extensive list of businesses and advertisements for Lewis County from 1872 to 1873, including an almanac, census report, and classified business directory. The text is fully searchable, but can also be browsed. Chapter and section highlights include: Gazetteer of County...

Released June 14!

Gazetteer and Business Directory of Monroe County, N.Y. for 1869-1870

Monroe County
Collection Category
Collection Type
Hamilton Child

This volume is text searchable—text searches entered from this page will query all text in this volume. Researchers will find business listings, information related to local history, advertisements, and other short articles. This directory has a variety of uses. Information on businesses and their...

Released August 10!

Gazetteer and Business Directory of Niagara County, N.Y. for 1869

Niagara County
Collection Category
County Histories
Collection Type

In the Gazetteer and Business Directory, researchers will find business listings, advertisements, and short articles related to local history. Click here to view the volume, or refer to specific links below. Introduction by Hamilton Child General Contents / Index to Business Directory Index to...

Released May 17!

Genealogical and Family History of Central New York

Cayuga County
Madison County
Tompkins County
Onondaga County
Herkimer County
Cortland County
Oswego County
Oneida County
Collection Category
Compiled Genealogies
Collection Type

This searchable volume contains compiled genealogies of families from various counties in Central New York. You can also browse the full text.

Released April 11!

German and French names in New York prior to 1712

All NY Counties
Collection Category
Collection Type

This volume includes an appendix containing lists of more than one thousand German and French names in New York prior to 1712. These lists, along with the rest of the volume, are fully searchable. The text also includes a collection of upwards of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French...

Released February 06!

German Churches of Metropolitan New York

New York County
Collection Category
Religious Records
Collection Type

Those researching their German ancestors who lived in New York City during this time period often face the daunting task of locating the birthplace of their German immigrant ancestors. Civil vital records are not only difficult to find, but they also often do not contain the required level of detail to make the jump back across the Atlantic. This guide is a fantastic tool for researchers to use.

Released January 09!

Goulds Methodist Episcopal Church

Delaware County
Collection Category
Religious Records
Collection Type
Image Browse

This collection includes two volumes of records from Goulds Methodist Episcopal Church. Volume 1 contains Methodist class records. Information recorded includes names of recorders and the years they recorded, an official class book of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with names and marriage status...

Released February 06!

Greene County Religious Records

Greene County
Collection Category
Religious Records
Collection Type
Text & Images
Royden Woodward Vosburgh

Transcribed genealogy records from churches in Greene County, New York. Some volumes are searchable, others can only be browsed by image. The collection page contains a complete list of all congregations available, including waypoint links to images from each church.

Released February 06!

Herkimer County Religious Records

Herkimer County
Collection Category
Religious Records
Collection Type
Image Browse
Royden Woodward Vosburgh

Transcribed genealogy records from churches in Herkimer County, New York. Researchers can browse digital images of these records, but they cannot currently be searched. The collection page contains a complete list of all congregations available, including waypoint links to images from each church.

Released September 28!

Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus County, N.Y.

Cattaraugus County
Collection Category
County Histories
Collection Type
William Adams

The Historical Gazetteer was edited by William Adams and published by the firm of Lyman, Horton of Syracuse, New York, in 1893. This illustrated local history begins in the prehistoric era and runs through to approximately 1890, by which time Cattaraugus County had grown to 32 towns and villages...

Released May 08!

History of Broome County

Broome County
Collection Category
County Histories
Collection Type

This is a searchable volume of Broome County history with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Chapters: From the Discovery to 1683 The Iroquois The French, English, and Iroquois From 1744 to 1770 From 1770 to the Revolution New York During the...

Released July 03!

History of Clinton and Franklin Counties, New York

Clinton County
Franklin County
Collection Category
County Histories
Collection Type

This volume, published by Duane Hamilton Hurd and J.W. Lewis & Co., contains the histories of Clinton and Franklin Counties and biographies, biographical sketches, and illustrations of some of its most prominent historical figures. Chapter highlights include: • History of Clinton and Franklin...

Released June 12!

History of Delaware County, and Border Wars of New York

Delaware County
Collection Category
County Histories
Collection Type

This historical report on Delaware County is a comprehensive text by Jay Gould, a nineteenth century surveyor, and later a wealthy and notorious investor. It provides a compilation of original settler testimonies and primary sources, such as newspapers, that can be browsed to unveil ‘historical and...