The NYG&B Blog Archive

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Essential Methods: Research Logs A well-formed research log is one of the most powerful tools you can use to improve the results of your family history research.  Genealogists use research logs to keep track of past work - a…
Fire Insurance Maps: Sanborns and Others Have you ever wondered about the daily life of a particular ancestor? What did their home look like? What about the street they lived on? What kind of shops, houses, or other buildings did they pass…
Winter 2019 NY Researcher Issue Now Online The final issue of volume 30 of the New York Researcher is out and available to read online. The Researcher is one of two quarterly publications NYG&B members receive as a benefit of membership…
#GivingTuesday: Support the Preservation of New York Records #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping…
New Legislation Allows Adoptees to Receive a Certified Birth Certificate at Age 18 For the first time, New York adoptees will be able to access a certified copy of their birth certificate when they turn 18-years-old. This measure ensures that all adult adoptees will have the same…
The October Issue of THE RECORD Has Arrived What an Issue!  Autumn had produced a fine crop of articles in the October issue of The Record. Per Laura Murphy DeGrazia, CG, FGBS, “Brick walls are challenging, but they are not indestructible.”1 …
How to Get the Most from a Research Trip It’s on your list—visiting that repository you hope will have the key to answering a longstanding family history mystery. Or, perhaps you have multiple places to visit within a single city or town. …
New York Vital Record Substitutes: Religious Records Vital records—records of birth, marriage, and death events—are some of the most important records to pursue when piecing together your family history. Some states in America have complete, well-…
Crown Agents on the Hudson: John Burnet’s New York Story On Friday, June 7, 1750, a coroner named John Burnet probably woke up thinking he was going to have a normal workday. As Francis Sypher detailed in the NYG&B’s “Minutes of Coroner’s Proceedings”…
Tips for Finding Your Immigrant Ancestors The stories of our immigrant ancestors are inspiring and fascinating - the genealogical records that help us piece together how, when, and why our ancestors immigrated to America are some of the most…