The NYG&B Blog Archive

Use this index to search through more than two hundred NYG&B blog posts.

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Kings County Potter’s Field: The Forgotten Dead The following post was originally published in 2014, by an NYG&B intern. We would like to share it with you again, since it's a very interesting subject and features some original research…
NYG&B Launches New Website Today the NYG&B has launched a new version of our website, This is the first update in a series of ongoing improvements, designed to deliver additional services to our…
eNews no. 2, March 2017: New website coming soon, New York county guides & more! This issue of the NYG&B eNews was delivered on March 30, 2017. Our eNews - published twice a month - contains the latest news about New York State genealogy, news about the NYG&B, and helpful…
eNews no. 1, February 2017: African American research tips, new Catholic records online & more This issue of the NYG&B eNews was delivered on February 9, 2017. Our eNews - published twice a month - contains the latest news about New York State genealogy, news about the NYG&B, and…
Announcing NYG&B Labs We are thrilled to announce the creation of NYG&B Labs, an innovative space which leverages the latest trends in technology and digital services to assist in telling the stories of New York’s…
Indexing and Digitization Weekend Wrap Up If you're interested in participating in future Digitization Days, we would love for you to join us! Check the events section of our website to see when the next one is - we have several Digitization…
NYG&B Week: Don't Miss Out! This week is NYG&B Week - featuring some can't-miss genealogy events, including the kickoff of our indexing and digitization project on Friday and Saturday. Chat Live with NYG&B President…
Some of New York's Oldest Records to be Moved for Future Preservation Some of New York's most valuable genealogical and historical treasures, from the New York County Clerk's Division of Old Records located on the 7th and 8th floor of the Surrogate's Courthouse…
"TOMORROW IS RAGAMUFFIN DAY" "New York children will appear in fantastic garb. Will beg on the street. Pedestrians who do not give will be swatted with stockings full of flour and missiles of all kinds." So wrote the …
New York City Marriage Licenses 1930–1949 now open for research at the NYC Municipal Archives The New York City Municipal Archives (31 Chambers Street, Room 103) has received the 1930–1949 marriage licenses from the New York City Clerk’s Marriage Bureau. As of today, these important materials…